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After gazing at the same sentence for probably the hundredth time, then there comes a moment as if you have to tune in to a program on static-ridden television. Meanwhile our pets appear to be silently apprising how much we have learned them about neural pathways. But let's face it--how to become an efficient learner is more brain power than anything else Memory tips on Webflow!

First of all, We’ll move memory aids,” memotechniques, into second place. Picture turning the things you'll need for your shopping trip today arid with bizarre images in your mind's eye Milk is a waterfall that descends rapidly, and eggs Traniform into chicks dancing. The odder the image, the more it sticks. (Tian an imagine carrots growing In your ears ever vanish from view?)

Of course, concentration goes hand in hand with memory. Think of your favorite band's concert, and your whole tune is one hard lesson to learn--it's just background noise then. Arrange a study nook that's all your own, free from disturbance. Ear plugs and a tidy desk make miracles happen.

You've probably heard of "Find your study style," right? When my teacher gave me a pop quiz on this subject before he'd told us anything specific about it, I had all kinds of guesses but no answer. Instead of guessing, try out some new methods. Use mailing cards or whiteboards, and how about expressing a sonnet as though you were the lead In a Shakespeare play? It's what Is right for you. Who knows that calculus might turn into a catchy opera aria?

Getting the balance between working and playing is important. Suppose your brain Is a lump of dough--to make it leaven for subsequent bake, a cook must beat and let the In: pass. So break up your study periods with some rest, just as you would an inspiring salad. 25 minutes to study, 5 relax minutes; so on. Away go to an idle dance or fetch yourself brief kind of vitamin dose Repeat as necessary!

Here's a story for you. My friend Sophie, who could remember biology terms even in her sleep, had this wonderful technique: daily reviews In flashy neon hues. As bright as the bubblegum flavor she loved, her brain never got tired--It was always humming. Just like a big band.

Because in the great teaching machine of life stress (whether It be yours or not someone else's) Is as jarring as a discordant cymbal. Don't forget to breathe! Utensils such as yoga, a stroll around the neighborhood, and a crumb of chocolate will help to keep your mental paths clear.

So come and enjoy this nutty--but highly rewarding--adventure with me. What you can learn from studying isn't never missing a spell--It's finding your way. End if a dancing chick aids you in any way, well. you're still on the nght road!